
Analysis of data from aerial photography 28/04/2023
The analytical part of the climate change adaptation strategy of the statutory city of Liberec also includes outputs from aerial photography, which was carried out by the Institute of Global Change Research of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic on 19/06/2022. As part of the aerial campaign, hyperspectral data were acquired by CASI, SASI and TASI sensors for analysis of vegetation vitality and surface temperature, and lidar data from which a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and Digital Surface Model (DSM) were created.
The figure shows a sample of the output from this data:
Surface temperature from aerial photography in a defined heat island (above 40 °C) measured on 19.6.2022. Source: ASITIS 2022 from Landsat satellite data - 8 from the period 2015-2021 in the summer months, CzechGlobe TASI sensor - surface temperature without roofs from 19.6.2022, OSM 2022 contributors
Main conclusions from the survey for the public
The general public was also involved in the adaptation strategy creation process. The inhabitants of the city could provide useful feedback and influence the shape of the adaptation strategy by filling out the questionnaire in online and printed form. Thanks to this feedback, the developers of the adaptation strategy gained an idea of the awareness, interest and level of support for environmental issues in the city of Liberec. The obtained data are also useful for comparison with own analyzes and suggestions for possible adaptation measures.
Data collection took place during March and April 2022, and a total of 515 residents filled out the questionnaire.
The majority of respondents (63%) agreed that it is important for the city to prepare for the challenges of climate change. Residents drew attention to the fact that the city of Liberec is struggling with drought, overheating of the city in the summer months and a lack of greenery. He also sees the problem in bad management of rainwater or in deforestation.
The city's priority should also be to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and limit energy consumption, which could be helped most by planting greenery, warming buildings or using solar energy.
More detailed survey results will be part of the Adaptation Strategy text, which will be published on this website in May/June 2023.

Aerial photography will help detect overheated areas
On Sunday 19/06/2022, as part of the preparation of the Adaptation Strategy for Liberec, aerial photography was successfully carried out, which will help to better plan measures that will improve the quality of life of residents in the era of advancing climate change. The results were helped by a very favorable meteorological situation.
Aerial photography was carried out as part of the processing of the analytical part of the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy of the statutory city of Liberec. Imaging was carried out using a Cessna photogrammetric aircraft equipped with the FLIS (Flying Laboratory of Imaging Systems) aviation laboratory. During the flight, hyperspectral and laser data were collected.
The aim of the photography is mainly to describe and understand the urban heat islands and the physiological state of the vegetation. In this way, places that tend to overheat and at the same time have a reduced ability to cool down will be identified. Aerial data will make it possible to create maps of phenomena associated with climate change. Subsequently, the statutory city of Liberec will use it for effective planning of measures helping to adapt to climate change.
Adaptation measures will help reduce the negative impacts of climate change on the city's inhabitants, as well as animals and vegetation. An adaptation strategy with detailed maps of the city's heat island and the state of vegetation will make it possible to increase the city's resistance to climate change and also the quality of life of the inhabitants of Liberec.
Survey: Liberec and climate change. What measures do you welcome?
4.4. 2022
The deadline for completing the questionnaire is extended until the end of April. Residents' opinions will help in the choice of methods and steps that the city must take to limit the impact of climate change on its territory.
Dear citizens, we are asking for your opinion on the planning of future activities of the city of Liberec.
Longer and more intense heat waves, torrential rains, drought and other problems have recently also affected our city. These are the effects of climate change, which, according to scientists, will be even more pronounced in the future. We would therefore like to prepare and ensure that the consequences for the city and its inhabitants are as small as possible.
We are therefore asking you, the citizens of Liberec, how you perceive the situation and what steps you would like the city to take. Your answers will be reflected in the plan that the city is preparing together with experts during 2021 and 2022.
You can express your opinion in the electronic survey at the link: https://bit.ly/adaptacnistrategieliberec, or by filling out the printed version, which you can find at the reception desks in the building of the historic town hall and the new municipality in Liberec. You can also hand it in to her here, or you can send it to her by post at the address:
Ing. Stanislava Mimrová
Department of Strategic Development and Subsidies
The municipality of the city of Liberec
U.S. Dr. E. Beneše 1/1, 460 59 Liberec 1
Filling out the survey should not take you more than 5 to 10 minutes.
Thank you in advance for your answers. We want to face future changes effectively and together.

We do not recommend wind, rain or higher forces
12.10. 2021 Weather problems and aircraft failure caused the project to be extended. An important survey dependent on suitable atmospheric conditions is postponed until next summer.
The need to extend the project resulted from facts that occurred unexpectedly and significantly complicated the fulfillment of the object of the work right from its beginning.
The key data for the analytical part of the project should be data obtained from aerial photography. This was repeatedly postponed due to bad weather forecasts. Before the alternative take-off date of the specially modified aircraft, an irreparable fault was detected on the generator starter. The machine had to be taken in for repairs, which took several weeks. A replacement date for imaging would only be possible in the second half of September 2021. Unfortunately, the shift meant that the data would not have sufficient telling value about temperature islands and the state of urban greenery. It is necessary to obtain this data by measuring in the warm summer months and to extend the entire contract by a year.
The extension of the entire project until 31 December 2023 was approved by the SFŽP management body. An addendum to the work contract with the Adaptation Strategy supplier - ASITIS is now ready for signing. This document will be signed at the next working meeting on the Adaptation Strategy for Liberec on 18 October 2021.